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Hotels Lerdalshöjdens story begins in 1927 When Anders Lönnberg started the hotel.

1943 bought Sten Hagberg hotel, which had eleven rooms and a kitchen with wood stove. For 40 years ran and developed the family Hagberg hotel.

In 1988, after major expansion, the property was owned by a limited partnership (which in turn was owned by a large number of individuals and some institutions).

The business was operated a few years under the name of Scandic Scandic Active Hotel and then a time of limited partnership itself.

1995 was purchased Lerdalshöjden of Green Hotel, Salka Börjesson Eynon, who then owned the hotel until the sale 2005th


Since May 2005 the property owned by real estate Hotels Lerdalshöjden AB and operation rented by Elisabeth Willner Perez AB.

1980 I moved with my then one to Rättvik where both my sons have grown up. I have previously co-owner of hotels Kristina Conference & Hotel in Sigtuna, Hotel Buena Vista in Mallorca and Villa Söderås on Lidingö worked with hotels, conference and restaurant for many, fun and eventful year! Consideration, generosity and flexibility to permeate the entire business of Hotel Lerdalshöjden. I and my staff will do our utmost to ensure you'll have a pleasant stay.

Elisabeth Willner Perez
BWH(SM) hotels are independently owned and operated. ©2024 Best Western International, Inc.
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